Intravenous (IV) Nutrient Therapy

Intravenous therapy (IV) is a treatment that delivers fluids directly into a vein. The intravenous route of administration can be used both for injections, using a syringe at higher pressures, and for infusions, typically using only the force supplied by gravity.

Intravenous (IV) Therapy

IV therapy effectively transports high doses of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids to your body's cells. IV therapy ensures the absorption of nutrients and allows for much higher doses, as they are delivered directly to your bloodstream. People with digestive problems often tolerate IV supplementation better than oral supplementation due to bypassing the limitations of the digestive tract. IV therapy offers a more robust and faster-acting supplementation.

How long do the effects of IV therapy last?

IV nutrients can remain in your body for several hours to several days. Still, the effects of supplementing your body with vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and other nutrients can last weeks or even months.

How do I prepare for an IV?

For an optimal IV treatment, it is essential to arrive at your appointment well-hydrated and have eaten some protein at least one hour before the treatment. Depending on the length of your IV treatment, you may want to bring something to occupy you while you are waiting. You may bring headphones if you want to watch a movie or listen to music on your phone or computer. You may also get a snack to eat during treatment; this is particularly advisable if you are scheduled for a treatment that lasts over an hour.


IV Vitamin Therapy Benefits

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Vitamin Shots
Our vitamin shots offer a quick boost to bolster your health.

Whatever your need, deficiency or goal, NW Integrated Health offers power-packed Vitamin Booster Shots. Quick, effective pick-me-ups, these intramuscular injections deliver needed nutrients, vitamins and amino acids that are absorbed into the bloodstream to build your body’s immunity and energy levels.

Our menu of vitamin shots includes:

.B-12 - The Pickme Up
Known as the energy vitamin, B12 gives you that get-up-and-go vitality plus a whole lot more. Good for your heart, memory, nervous system and mobility.

.D-3 - The Sunshine Shot
Capture a healthy dose of "sunshine" with Vitamin D3. Many people are low in this essential vitamin. Helps build the immune system, as well as improve hair, skin, and mood.

.Vitamin C - The Immunity Booster
Important for the growth, development, and repair of body tissues. It also plays a role in the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, boosting the immune system, facilitating wound healing, and maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.

.Lipo B and Lipo C - Metabolism Booster
Helps to support reducing fat in the body, increase metabolism, better digestion, and boost in energy levels.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, click to call.
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