We Are A Multidisciplined Medical Clinic

Our approach to healthcare at NWIH focuses on preventative care, the underlying cause of disease, and individual biochemistry.

A few words about our Approach

Northwest Integrated Health (NWIH), the leading multidiscipline medical clinic in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. At NWIH, we provide a comprehensive range of medical services, including Hormone Replacement Therapy, Functional Medicine, Peptide Therapies, Primary
Care, Chiropractic Care, Physical Rehabilitation, Massage Therapy, and Intravenous Nutrient Therapy. Our Approach to primary care is rooted in the principles of functional medicine. We emphasize preventative care, addressing the root causes of diseases, and tailoring treatments to individual biochemistry. Our dedicated team of providers is committed to listening, educating, and empowering our patients to become the healthiest versions of themselves.

Meet the Dedicated Experts

We are dedicated to supporting our patients achieve optimal wellness. In a world where chronic disease is common, our goal is to spread the power of prevention, change, growth and what it feels like to live healthy.

Balancing vision with a healthy lifestyle.

As outdoor enthusiasts, our approach is to build and uplift a healthy body and a healthy mind. Whether it's eating clean, working out, or meeting with our team and clients, our main focus is to ensure that there's an even balance in every element of our day-today schedule.

The best approach, is a holistic approach, and we do our best to support ourselves and those around us to find "the healthier you." We'd love to know more about you and how we can help you find your path.

What do our patients say

"I live in California and choose to fly to Northwestern Integrated in Idaho because of the doctors and staff there. They are beyond amazing and I’m grateful every time I go!!"

Kim Henson
New NWIH Client

"I am never disappointed when I come to Northwest Integrated Health. I have been coming here since they opened. Everyone is friendly and helpful. Emily is an amazing masseuse and Dr. Burke Thomas really listens They help with exercise recommendations and stretches to do in between appointments which have been much more effective. They have significantly helped me heal from injuries."

Allison Benson
Satisfied Patient

"Dr. Burk is a very understanding professional who has a ton of knowledge on chiropractic care. He fixed me right up after hurting my back at physical therapy the day before. Thank you Dr. Burk!"

Paul Webster
Reviewed 2 Weeks Ago

"This place literally SAVED me!! I have. suffered from recurring migraines for years (25 a month) and after THREE DAYS of bio identical HRT my migraines resolved. I was seeing a neurologist, had a CAT scan and was taking 3 migraine medications that cost me more than $700 a month just in co-pays! Non of that helped! I was CURED with HRT and this place. Thank you Lord! So grateful!"

Cyndi Clemente
Reviewed 1 Week Ago

"Always a pleasure at this office! The staff is very kind, helpful and quick to respond. Christina has been an amazing provider to work with. Beautiful office!"

Trisha Marjamaa
Reviewed 1 Month Ago

Let's inspire healthcare to change. Healthier people. Healthier families.Healthier communities.

We are dedicated to supporting our patients achieve optimal wellness. In a world where chronic disease is common, our goal is to spread the power of prevention, change, growth and what it feels like to live healthy.